Overall stats about Goal 14 in South Africa
2 / 10

targets with data available for at least one indicator

3 / 11

indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 14 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 14.

Target 14.1

0/1 covered

Target 14.2

0/1 covered

Target 14.3

0/1 covered

Target 14.4

0/1 covered

Target 14.5

2/2 covered

Target 14.6

0/1 covered

Target 14.7

0/1 covered

Target 14.a

1/1 covered

Target 14.b

0/1 covered

Target 14.c

0/1 covered

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Explore Goal 14 in the context of South Africa through the latest related policies

Oceans & Coast Annual Report for 2018


South Africa's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan


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Provisions Relating to Listed Threatened or Protected Marine Species


Policy for the Small Scale Fisheries Sector in South Africa


National Framework on Marine Spatial Planning in South Africa


Explore data
Goal Tracker line chart
Type of Ecosystem
Indicator metadata


South African Marine Protected Areas (MPA) as a percentage of the Exclusive Economic Zone

Method of computation

No method of computation reported


Department of Environmental Affairs, South African National Biodiversity Institute