Overall stats about Goal 7 in South Africa
3 / 5

targets with data available for at least one indicator

4 / 6

indicators with data available for South Africa

indicator coverage for Goal 7 in South Africa


South Africa currenty has data on these targets for Goal 7.

Target 7.1

2/2 covered

Target 7.2

1/1 covered

Target 7.3

1/1 covered

Target 7.a

0/1 covered

Target 7.b

0/1 covered

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Explore Goal 7 in the context of South Africa through the latest related policies

White Paper on the Energy Policy of the Republic of South Africa


White Paper On Renewable Energy


National Climate Change Response White Paper


Integrated Resource Plan 2019


2019 SDG Country Report


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Percentage of population with access to electricity.

Method of computation

To estimate values, a multilevel nonparametric modelling approach—developed by the World Health Organization to estimate clean fuel usage—was adapted to predict electricity access and used to fill in the missing data points for the time period from 1990 onwards. Where data is available, access estimates are weighted by population. Multilevel nonparametric modelling considers the hierarchical structure of data (country and regional levels), using the regional classification of the United Nations


General Household Survey, Statistics South Africa